Monday, July 25, 2011

New Mama Q&A!

Hi there! I am due august 1st and want to start cloth diapering but i wondering how to get started. ie. how many will i need initially and do i commit to one brand to start or how do i try multiple? is it better to buy 20 diapers of all the same brand that i think i will like the best? what if i'm disappointed? or should i buy several different ones? will that be annoying in trying to figure out a system?
i want a less bulky bottom and whatever is the least work (as far as assembly i think) that is also not going to leak! :)
thanks in advance for answering all my questions!

Answer! Thanks for sending this in - these are GREAT questions!  Most of them are ones I had when I started my cloth diaper search.
I think 20 to 24 diapers is a good start (you'll be changing about 10-12 diapers a day for newborns).  I had 22 to start, and that worked just fine.  We used the disposables until the umbilical cord fell off (so, one week). 

My Sweet Pickles (and other places like have sampler packages if you'd like to try multiple types before picking.  This covers the disappointment concern.  Most places also have some sort of 10-14 day return program where you can send back the ones you don't like (even if you used them) for different ones.

I think picking one kind or using multiples is up to you.  We had to pick one kind so daycare wasn't confused.  If you're staying home or your care situation is more flexible, you have MANY more options.  My sister-in-law did prefolds for the newborn stange (first few weeks) and then transitioned to bum genius 4.0.  My boss and his wife are constantly using different kinds....if you really get into cloth diapering it's kind of addicting to try different types.  My husband gives me a hard time because I'm constantly wanting to try a new one.  :o) 

A less bulky bottom would have to be something that was sized (couldn't do a one size as those tend to be ginormous on the tiny baby bums).  Least amount of work would be an all-in-one (drying would take longer, but I've heard it's not horrible), and you can get these in the different sizes (you'd probably only need smalls and mediums).  All-in-ones have the absorbant "inserts" of the pocket diaper fame attached.  So, there's no stuffing or inserting or folding or etc.

Nicki's has a BUNCH of different brands of all-in-ones.  A decorating blog couple I follow is using bum genius all-in-ones and LOVES them.  They only got 12 and that's worked for them (here's the post).  I must be very lazy compared to them (they do two posts a day and I barely am doing that in the month of July, so obviously this is true), but I think that the frequency of washing with only 12 would be WAY too much for me.  Personally, I think the nice thing about going with a well known, national brand like Bum Genius is that the customer service is fantastic. 

One thing about sized diapers is sometimes the cost.  With Nicki's, you get a quantity discount.  And, you can enter the code PARENTING and get an extra 5% off on top of the quantity discount.  This tends to be the best deal out there.  One of my friends sells the smaller size on craigslist to get money for the next size.  This is another situation where the national brands are good too - they're more well known and so easier to sell.  Personally, I'm hoping we have more than one kid and being a saver, I'd want to keep the first size for the next kiddo.  Up to you though.  It's working for my friend (I think she's making money on the deal as she tends to buy her diapers used on craigstlist too - so that's another way to save). 

Good luck, K!  Let me know if you have any additional questions.  How about you - what questions did you have as you started your cloth diapering adventure?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pocket Diaper Brands

This post is a LONG time in coming!  Sorry for the's been so nice out that I've been shirking my blogging! 

So, here it is.  There are SOOOO many brands of pocket diapers.  Probably because Bum Genius really put some publicity on this format, and it's such an easy format to introduce to non-cloth diaper users.  Here's the post on what a pocket diaper is like

Top to brands that you hear about are the Bum Genius and the Fuzzibunz:

These come in both an aplix (velcro) and snap closure.  You can get these at in either aplix or snap.  This is a super nice option if you're on your first baby and find yourself overwhelmed with target gift cards - a great way to start your collection of cloth diapers! 

These are the one-size format, adjusted with three rows of snaps on the front.  The  fit is supposed to be from 8-35 pounds, but generally newborns are harder to fit (even if your baby is around 8 pounds like my niece). 

The 4.0 indicates that this is the fourth version.  New and improved, they say.  And actually, it's true.  This is the first version with snaps as a standard option.  They've also made some improvements as far as fit. 

These come in just a snap closure and claim to be the longest existing pocket diaper on the market.  These need to be purchased at a cloth diaper retailer.  There are several sites/stores in the twin cities area - I got my first set at mysweetpickles.  My second set I got from Nicki's Diapers in Madison (free shipping).  (Why a second set?  Story of my situation, here.)

These are the one-size format as well, adjusted with buttons and elastic in the legs and the waist.  The fit is supposed to be from 8-35 pounds, and these definitely fit newborns.  With the elastic, you can adjust to MUCH smaller than 8 pounds - you'll just have a super cute poofy baby bum.  :o)  You get a second set of elastic for replacement (what typically gives out first in these diapers).  So, these will definitely last through all 2-3 years of diapering on a child, and probably through a second. 

We went with the fuzzibunz because of the extra elastic and the ability to fit any size newborn.  I was hoping for a small baby and we ended up with a nine pound chunker.  Maybe the second one will be's hoping!

  • Kawaii Baby

We bought a few of these as my friend sells them!  They're definitely a lower quality, but at 10 bucks a pop, you can buy twice as many.  They come with two inserts per pocket, and we use them as a cover!  It was actually my friend's suggestion to do this.  I can get through at least a day with four covers (longer if there's not much pooping happening).  I picked up some prefolds to use too - I just lay them on top of the pocket.  We're four months in and still love them.  Snap closures!  Leave a comment if you want some of these and I'll send you her email. 

Here are some other brands - with links to view pics and current prices.
BabyKicks - $18.50
Blueberry - $19.95
Bum Genius 4.0 - $17.95
BumWear - $16.95
Fuzzibunz - $19.95
Happy Heinys - $18.95
Kawaii Baby - $10.00 (if you're interested in these, leave me a comment as my friend sells them!)
Knickernappies - $19.95
Rocky Mountain - $17.95
Rumparooz - $23.50
SoftBumx Omni - $20.95
Thirsties Duo - $17.75
Tiny Tush - $19.95 (my good friend uses these and looooves them - if you're in Madison, she got them at Happy Bambino.  They no longer sell online, booo)
Tweedle Bugs - $12.95

Are there other brands of pocket diapers you've seen and want included in this list?  Are there questions I didn't answer about this? Let me know and I'll add it!

Next up, time and savings for commenter Josh!  :o)
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